Saturday, January 19, 2019

John C. 'Jack' Bogle

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A Tribute to Jack Bogle

Jack Bogle passed away on January 16, 2019, at age 89.

What follows is a curated list of what we consider the more informative and insightful commentaries.

As noted earlier this week, Jack's rigor, high ethical values, humility, and dogged pursuit of investment truths will continue to deeply inform what we do and thereby honor his legacy.

We press on.

A Look Back at the Life of Vanguard's Founder
Vanguard. Features a 6-minute video overview.

The Things John Bogle Taught Us: Humility, Ethics and Simplicity
Ron Lieber and Tara Siegel Bernard, New York Times

What I Learned from Jack Bogle
Ben Carlson, A Wealth of Common Sense

Saint Jack
Jonathan Clements, Humble Dollar

Remembering Jack Bogle
Barry Ritholtz. 82 minute Masters in Business podcast.

Jack Bogle's Last Warning to the Investment Industry
Elizabeth MacBride, CNBC

Thanks, Jack...
Cullen Roche. Pragmatic Capitalism

RIP, Jack Bogle
Multiple articles from Abnormal Returns.