Those are really financial media questions. The kind of thing designed to make you watch or click. We don’t spend time on them. You needn’t either.
The election distraction is over. We now move on to post-election distractions. Will there be a split government, a possible vaccine, Fed actions, trade war gambits? No one knows. For our financial wellness, our response to all of it is this:
No matter what the distraction, here’s what guides us:
· Evidence rather than hearsay, rumors, or “breaking news.”
· Rules-based methods rather than whims, impulse, or vagary.
· Evergreen solutions…things that are likely to be as good later as they are now.
Granted. You might have a concern or issue that seems to defy this approach. We get that. Life is unpredictable. If that’s the case, give us a call or send a message. That’s what we’re here for.
Cosgrove, CFP, Plano, TX 972-489-0262
Jim Cosgrove, Partner, San Jose, CA 408-674-6315